There is no doubt in the fact that ironbark firewood is one o the most popular type of firewood that use around the world for its amazing benefits and results. It is a type of eucalyptus tree from the family of myrtle that grows from cuttings. It is one of the longest burning woods that is chosen most by the residents of Australia.

Ironbark firewood is popular in Australia because it creates less smoke and also dust less than various other wood types. There are some professional companies that are known as the best supplier of ironbark firewood in Sydney. Such experts provide the best quality, properly seasoned firewood at affordable rates.

Local wood:-

Ironbark firewood is considered one of the best firewood for cooking, fireplace, etc. It is a type of firewood that usually becomes the top priority of the people because it is easily available in Australia. This type of firewood is local to regions like Queensland, Australia new south wales, and victoria. Within just five days, this ironbark starts to develop.

Suitable for all:-

Ironbark firewood works best everywhere. A properly seasoned ironbark firewood is always suitable for open fires as well as combustion fireplaces. In Australia, it is considered ideal firewood for the composed structures that need eminent strength as well as quality. It can also be used for flooring, cladding, and decking. People also use it for their indoor and outdoor furniture.

Long-lasting and clean:-

Ironbark firewood is long-lasting and clean firewood. This type of firewood has high-density because of which, it takes some time to catch the fire. But once it catch the fire, it burns for a long time. Ironbark firewood generally burns slowly. However, it gives intense heat that can last for about 6-8 hours. This duration and heat intensity also depends on the size of the log. With such long-lasting results, it also helps to prevent frequent cutting down of the trees. Ironbark firewood leaves less ash behind and smokeless, with which the user doesn’t have to frequently clean the chimney or area.

Less moisture:-

The seasoning process of ironbark firewood takes 15 years or more. With this long time, this type of firewood ensures very less moisture content. This makes them best for indoor use. Its wood is a high-quality timber that is not just durable but is also quite hard, and strong. Due to dry thickness, it burns for a long time, even without producing much smoke. This further helps to save the cost of buying new firewoods on a frequent basis.


The properly seasoned ironbark firewood offered by the Sydney firewood companies includes only 10-15% of moisture content. This makes them best for safe and clean burning. Due to such less moisture, they also build less creosote in the chimney which can lead to a very smoky room or sometimes even chimney fire. A small bag can easily last for a few days. With this, these firewoods also help to save the storage space and money that one may spend on buying tons of firewood.